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With a sharp increase in Child Obesity and other health related issues, Les is a great believer in getting kids more active.
He does this by getting them to enjoy exercise through having more fun during the session. He currently goes into local Swindon Primary Schools doing after school clubs and also PE classes for the children to let off a bit of steam during their SATS preparation. Les not only takes activity classes but also gives assembly and classroom talks expressing the importance of health and fitness.
Concentrating on hand to eye co-ordination exercises and a lot of games involving hoops, fitballs, football goals and many more, Les has noticed a sharp rise in fitness levels of all the kids in the schools he has attended.

Hopefully by starting at this young age the children will be more prone to lead active lifestyles as they get older instead of sedentary ones.

Kids Birthday Parties
Ever thought of having a Kids Fit Birthday Party?,we come along and get the children running around playing various games, they are having fun not realising they are exercising. This way we can guarantee all is quiet when they have Birthday tea! For more information contact Clare on 0845 471 8416


